Parisi House on the Hill
Parisi House on the Hill (Parisi House) is Santa Clara County’s first women-with-children residential alcohol and drug treatment facility.
It currently houses 42 beds in which women and their children (up to age five) may live for six months while receiving client-centered, culturally-sensitive services.
Our unique treatment program addresses the specific needs of parenting women, pregnant women, and women with newborn-5 years of age. We value the unification of women and their children and understand the effects of addiction on the entire family: Both generations receive services because both generations are affected by parental substance abuse.
Staff are highly trained to assist with issues unique to the young recovering family through on-site programs which support both developmental and dually-diagnosed needs of our clients and their children. The goals of our child development program are to enhance a child’s growth, sense of trust, and bonding in a loving, nurturing environment during their 6-month stay.
For information about Parisi House, call us at 408-281-6570.
If you need help, call Gateway at 1-800-488-9919. and ask to be referred to our program.
Primary providers can make a referral by calling Gateway at 1-800-488-9919.