Pediatric Play Therapy

Information updated on Tuesday, January 30th 2024, 14:49
Assessments and Diagnosis
Occupational Therapy
Sensory Integration

Pediatric Play Therapy provides occupational therapy services to children to foster the best possible outcomes for children with special needs. The clinic is founded and ran by occupational therapists, Sue Pesha-Henry and Leticia Vargas.

We provide therapy utilizing sensory integration techniques in conjunction with other models (i.e., Therapeutic Listening, Deep Pressure & Proprioceptive Technique –formerly referred to as the Wilbarger Protocol). Our therapists are knowledgeable in various aspects of pediatric occupational therapy and have provided services in early intervention, school based programs and clinic settings.

We are vendorized with the San Andreas Regional Center (SARC) to provide occupational therapy services as a part of their early intervention program for those who qualify for services.