Are you the parent of a child with a disability? Do you work with young children? Are you looking for early childhood professional training? Look no further!
Parents Helping Parents offers monthly early childhood professional training in collaboration with First 5 Santa Clara County. These webinars are for First 5 partners that work with children 0-5 who have disabilities and developmental delays.
Community and social workers, home visitors, childcare providers, preschool teachers, FRC staff, therapeutic providers, and more are welcome to attend early childhood professional training opportunities at PHP. Parents and caregivers…you’re welcome, too!
Topics covered in past early childhood training webinars include:
LD, ADHD, and Coexisting Conditions
Raising Happy Eaters
Autism Evidence-Based Interventions for Young Children
Parent Coaching
Social Stories for Young Children
When Concerns Arise: Sharing Sensitively with Families
Subscribe to PHP to get the latest information on early childhood professional training.
Webinars are FREE. Registration is required. Continuing Education credits may be available. Email us for more information.
Are you a professional with an interest in collaborating with this webinar series? If so, please contact us!
Webinars are facilitated by Parents Helping Parents & funded by First 5 Santa Clara County.