Are you concerned about the real challenges associated with navigating potential online pitfalls? Most people agree that the internet can be a great equalizer for people with I/DD – especially during the transition to adulthood. Online activities can help break down barriers and enable communication while facilitating learning/education, social engagement, entertainment, and independence. P

lease join self-advocate Darcy McCann and State Council on Developmental Disabilities Central Coast Office Manager David Grady as they discuss:

– The positive role and influence digital technologies and devices can have in the lives of young adults with disabilities

– How to be internet SMART – Safety, Managing, Asking (for help), Respected/ing, Trust

– How to prevent exposure to online risks and threats – including cyberbullying, exposure to age-inappropriate content, contact from strangers, excessive screen time, online scams, accidental purchases, and sharing private information online.

– What to do if an uncomfortable situation occurs This webinar will provide live Spanish interpretation.


This is a Connections California event, a project of Parents Helping Parents – Silicon Valley. Connections California is in part sponsored by the San Andreas Regional Center and the California Department of Developmental Services.