Do you know that school districts across the state are hard at work creating access to a high school diploma (instead of a certificate of completion) for learners with significant cognitive disabilities? If your youth falls into this category, then this presentation may be of interest to you.

Please join Stephanie Coleman, Coordinator of Inclusive Practices and Integrated Systems at the Sacramento County Office of Education, to hear more about California’s new Alternative Pathway to a High School Diploma for students who are eligible to take the California Alternate Assessments (Alt Pathways).

Stephanie will discuss and review:

  • Guiding legislation and statutory requirements for Alt Pathway
  • How Local Educational Agencies (LEAs: school districts, county offices of education, special education local plan area (SELPAs)) are creating this new pathway
  • The new toolkit designed to help LEAs move through the steps and considerations necessary to make this new pathway a reality
  • Resources to support families and IEP teams in understanding and implementing the Alt Pathway for all eligible students
  • Which team members in your district and schools are critical in planning and implementation of the Alt Pathway – and what questions you may want to ask

Access to a high school diploma allows every student the opportunity to show what they know, like, and feel, leading to greater self-determination and post secondary opportunities.

Stephanie Coleman has 17+ years of experience as an Education Specialist. Holding a Master’s in Special Education, she’s also a Part-Time Instructor at CSUS, sharing expertise with aspiring educators. As the Coordinator of Inclusive Practices and Integrated Systems at Sacramento County Office of Education, Stephanie champions instructional strategies fostering inclusivity, belonging, and academic success for all students.



This is a Connections California event, a project of Parents Helping Parents – Silicon Valley in collaboration with the California Collaborative for Inclusive Pathways (CCIP) and the Sacramento County Office of Education Inclusive Practices & Integrated Systems.

Connections California is sponsored in part by the San Andreas Regional Center and the California Department of Developmental Services.