Who We Are

Are you worried about your child's development? Do you need answers to difficult questions? Parents Helping Parents is here for you! PHP provides support, information, and training to help families raise loved ones of any age with any disability or diagnosis.

Parents Helping Parents is present for families through life transitions, from birth to early intervention and school, from adulthood to independent living. PHP helps families understand and navigate complex systems of care for their loved one of any age with any disability or diagnosis.

The majority of PHP program staff are parents of a loved one with a disability, making PHP uniquely qualified to serve families.

How We Help

Information & Resources

PHP provides information based on an individual's disability, diagnosis or concern, age, and/or grade in school. Topics range from financial assistance and early intervention, to transition to adulthood and caregiver support, to assistive technology and special education.

Services include webinars, 24/7 access online, E-Learning Library, Resource Directory, 1:1 consultation, support groups, neighborhood offices, multilingual support, and more. We support any diagnosis including autism, ADD/ADHD, dyslexia and other learning challenges, chronic illness, mental health conditions, developmental and intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities, and more.

Most Parents Helping Parents services free. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!


PHP teaches families about their education rights and the special education process, including complex Individualized Education (IEP) and 504 plans, and understanding parent/guardian and student's rights from the ages of 0-22. We also provide information about how to get an assessment for special education, understanding eligibility, and dealing with conflict. The PHP Education team supports families in San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Monterey counties in California.


PHP explains important transitions in a person's life and the best ways to navigate them. Learn about transitions from infancy to childhood, elementary to high school, and throughout adulthood!

Connection & Support

PHP offers many support groups for parents and caregivers of loved ones with a disability. Each group is tailored to the needs of a particular topic, like autism, learning disabilities, challenges to launching as an adult, having an adult child with a disability, and more. PHP also provides opportunities for parents to connect with and learn from each other.


Share your time, talent, and treasure with Parents Helping Parents! Advocate for disability causes, volunteer at the PHP office, share your expertise, subscribe to our newsletter, and make a financial donation! All efforts are valued and no effort is too small!

Thank you for your trust in and support of Parents Helping Parents!
