Parents Helping Parents will help you find the right information and services for youth and teens with disabilities.

The school years can be challenging. For youth and teens with disabilities, they can be even more difficult. If you are worried about your child in any way–school performance, behavior, mental health, special education assessments, and more– Parents Helping Parents can provide you with the information and resources you need, now.
Special Education for Youth and Teens with Disabilities
What is special education? What are special education evaluations and assessments? Where do I start!? PHP videos on Special Education topics is a great starting point!
- How to prepare for an IEP team meeting?
- Who’s on the IEP team?
- What are the eligibility categories?
- What should you know about signing your student’s IEP?
- and lots more!
You may need to request an assessment from your district to learn if your child can receive special education services. Watch this video about Requesting an Assessment. C.lick here for a template letter to request an assessment.
Planning for the Transition to Adulthood
As your child grows and starts to transition to adulthood, Parents Helping Parents will continue to be your partner in finding the services available to youth and teens with disabilities.
Connections California: Transition to Adulthood is the place to start! In #cca you’ll find suggestions about what to do, and when, during this very challenging and often overwhelming time.
We all know the tween and teen years have their own unique challenges, too! This video playlist has a lot of great information about defiance, puberty and sexuality, anxiety, school-related behavior, and more.
Assistive Technology
Communication is KEY! Learn about assistive technology tools for youth and teens with disabilities here!
Get Support
Connect with other families going through similar experiences. You’re not alone!