Parents Helping Parents can help you understand and navigate community and family resources that may be available to support you, your loved one of any age with any disability, and your entire family.
Knowing about and learning how to use these resources can be confusing and overwhelming. PHP can help.
“I cannot thank you enough for meeting with me and my husband. We felt free to talk openly with you about the many questions that came after our child’s diagnosis. Your patience and understanding allowed me to cry today. It’s here, with you, who get it.”
A Proud PHP Parent

PHP Family Resource Specialists are highly knowledgeable in the many community and family services that may be available to you. They can help you navigate these systems of care. 90% of Parents Helping Parents program staff are parents or very close with someone with a disability. We understand.
PHP Resource Specialists can help you with:
- Person-to-person assistance with a specialist (via phone or Zoom)
- Understanding and accepting your loved one’s diagnosis
- Support for Caregivers
- Services through the Regional Center and the Lanterman Act
- Understanding DDS Self-Determination Program and Regional Center services
- Public Benefits like Supplemental Security Income (SSI), In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS), and Medi-Cal
- Connections California: Transition to Adulthood includes information on education & training, self-advocacy, adult life, work preparation, and planning for the transition
- Person-Centered Planning
- Referrals to professionals and other agencies
Parents Helping Parents has hundreds of videos and downloads, many webinars, support groups, and online resources for you to get information and support about community and family services. These are led by PHP staff, professionals, and parent volunteers who seek to build communities of support and knowledge.
Parents Helping Parents programs are offered in multiple languages, including English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.