National Alopecia Areata Foundation

Information updated on Tuesday, February 27th 2024, 12:06
Disability Awareness and Advocacy
Online Learning - blogs, resources, webinars, apps, telehealth
Online Social Network
Parent to Parent Support - Information, Referral, Mentoring
Research Institute or Funding
Support / Self Help Groups

NAAF has support groups all over the world. Though they have different sizes, average age and group specific objectives, they share a common mission; to provide individuals with alopecia areata, their families and their friends a safe, comfortable and trusting environment in which to share their personal experiences with this challenging disease.


NAAF was established in 1981 with one clear goal; to offer support to individuals affected by alopecia areata. Though the mission has expanded over the past two decades to include advocating for change and funding research to find a treatment or cure, the importance of providing a substantial support program to people of all ages and interests has not diminished.

The NAAF support network offers different ways to create a sense of community among individuals with alopecia areata and their families. If you would like to discuss your experiences with alopecia areata in a group setting, the Support Group Program will be the best fit. It is a great way to get support and know you are not alone.  You can also speak one on one with our experienced telephone support contacts. NAAF’s Youth Mentor Program connects children living with alopecia areata and their parents to young adult mentors to formulate lasting bonds while providing support and guidance on living with alopecia areata.  Also, Smart Patients is an online community for alopecia areata patients and their families to share, interact, and learn from peers in a safe, supportive environment.You can join the community for free. We’re here to help; please use as many of these programs as you would like.