Adulting can be HARD! Connections California provides the information and resources you need to make the transition to adulthood a little bit easier for you and your loved one with a disability.
Understand post-high school options. Learn how to become a self-advocate. Explore different housing options. Decide when to get started with the process. Become fluent in ALL of the adulting acronyms. Connect with other families also going through the transition to adulthood with their loved one.
Transition to Adulthood: Connections California is for any person with any disability. Everything is organized into five main categories. The goal is to help you find the information you need easily for this complex and exciting life transition!
If your child is as young as 12, you’ll find important information about the transition to adulthood in Connections California. We want to help YOU create the smoothest transition to adulthood possible alongside your loved one!
Who can use Connections California? Anyone!
What resources do we have to offer? Many!
You’re not alone on this journey! Check back often for updated Connections California information and to register for webinars. Subscribe to PHP for regular updates! Search #cca for even more valuable resources!
The transition to adulthood for people with disabilities can be HARD! Connections California can make it a little bit easier!
Connections California: Transition to Adulthood is sponsored in part by the San Andreas Regional Center and the California Department of Developmental Services.