SCLARC – South Central Los Angeles Regional Center
South Central Los Angeles Regional Center for Persons with Developmental Disabilities, Inc. (SCLARC) is a private, non-profit, community based organization which contracts with the State Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to coordinate services for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. SCLARC is one of 21 regional centers that serve communities throughout California. One of our goals is to ensure that individuals who are eligible to receive services (consumers) are assisted in reaching their potential for the highest quality of life in their community.
We provide intake, assessment, diagnosis and lifelong services coordination. The California Regional Center systems was developed by the Legislature to put into effect the state’s policy of assuming responsibility for citizens with developmental disabilities. The passage of the Lanterman Developmental Services Act created the Regional Center System whereby the State Department of Developmental Services contracts with local community based agencies. Regional Centers serve people of all ages with mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism and other similar disabilities. There are 21 Regional Centers in California, seven with Los Angeles County. Each Regional Center serves its own geographic area. SCLARC serves five County of Los Angeles Districts, Compton, San Antonio, Southeast and Southwest. This area is bounded by Washington Blvd. On the north, La Cienega Blvd. on the west, the eastern and southern boundaries of Downey, Paramount, Compton, Dominguez Hills and Carson. As local entry points into the developmental services system, the Regional Center provides intake, assessment, diagnosis, and counseling and will assist in obtaining needed services once eligibility criteria are met.
The McClaney Family Resource Center
A helpline for parents and caregivers
One-to-one peer counseling support
Ongoing educational sessions and training
Ongoing outreach and public awareness
A lending library with special needs
A toy loan library
Parent support groups
Play dates
Referrals to Early Start Intake (under 3 years of age) can be made by
phone, fax, email or submitted online:
(213) 744-7000 extension 3226
[email protected]
Referrals to Lanterman Intake (ages 3 and above), can be made by
phone, fax, email or submitted online:
(213) 744-7000 extension 3227
[email protected]
Keywords: Spanish