October 5, 2024 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

An array of AT Tools are available to support struggling learners who may have Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Visual Processing, ADHD, Working Memory difficulty, Focusing, or other conditions & disabilities. This event focuses on tools that support reading and writing areas for a high-functioning learner.

Rotate through stations & explore:
– AT tools spanning Low tech to High tech
– Pencil grips, reading rulers, slant boards
– Sensory fidgets, weighted lap pads, chair bands
– Built-in tools for the Edge and Chrome browsers the iPad
– Accessibility and font/spacing/color settings
– Text to Speech, Speech to Text
– Highlighting, Masking, Page Simplification
– Writing supports like word banks, smart word prediction, spelling/grammar support
– Finding digital reading material
– How to digitize reading material and use optical character recognition
– Forms that may be used for considering AT
– Lists of AT tools by functional area
– Other AT info – documentation, resources, and sources

* No childcare is available. If you bring your school-aged child to try the tools, they must be able to remain with and follow guidance from the parent.

*This event is in English, if you need Spanish interpretation support, notify us at least 10 days in advance – email [email protected]
Send your AT questions to [email protected]

Dianah Marr, assistive technology specialist, credentialed teacher, specializing in AT & strategies that support literacy & learning.

AT Open House 2024-2025 Event Flyer https://www.canva.com/design/DAGJWr_ZJN4/8E0QaQ__T1LfUDylPUv3Zg/view?utm_content=DAGJWr_ZJN4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor


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