September 25, 2024 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Your little one isn’t so little anymore. As they move toward transition to adulthood, we as parents need to adjust our role to allow them to mature into independent young adults – whatever that may look like for them.

After doing all we’ve done for so long, how do we:
– Move comfortably from the driver’s seat to the passenger’s seat – from manager to consultant
– Slowly begin to let go to let them grow, making sure all is well
– Accept it when all is not well, when we’re not in control anymore
– Turn the controls over to them (or other caregivers)?

Please join us as we discuss this emotional time in our shared journey as our young adults transition to adulthood.

This is a Connections California event, a project of Parents Helping Parents – Silicon Valley in collaboration with the Team of Advocates for Special Kids (TASK). Your registration data will be collected by Parents Helping Parents and shared with TASK. The agencies take privacy and confidentiality seriously, the privacy policy is located on the websites.

Connections California is sponsored in part by the San Andreas Regional Center and the California Department of Developmental Services.


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