Bridge Housing

Information updated on Tuesday, May 9th 2023, 12:59
After School Care - Children
Housing / Shelter
Residential Care - Adult
Residential Care - Children
Residential Care - Transition Age - Teens and Young Adults

Resident & Community Services
Since its inception, BRIDGE has believed that an apartment with an affordable rent should be a stepping stone for advancement.
That’s why we provide targeted programs and services for residents of all ages, to help them move toward lifelong success. More than 350 programs are offered at BRIDGE properties, including:

Programs for children and teens—such as summer camps, mentoring, homework clubs and after-school programs.
Adult programs ranging from English as a Second Language to resume workshops and financial literacy.
Senior programs—such as brain fitness, health programs and referrals—that support their independence and quality of life.
In addition, residents of family properties are eligible to apply for scholarships under the Alan and Ruth Stein Educational Assistance Program and the Kent Colwell Scholarship.
BRIDGE partners with local agencies and the best providers in the field to bring programs to residents for free. We tailor programs directly to resident needs and we coordinate classes and workshops from a central location, keeping staffing costs lower.

Holistic Community Development
BRIDGE’s Community Development Initiative, launched in 2015, integrates holistic community development practices into how we plan, implement and manage affordable housing. We are leveraging our role as a real estate developer to partner with and improve neighborhood institutions and communities, focusing on the social determinants of health that affect residents’ quality of life and long-term health and success. Examples include:

On-site child care centers that serve a range of families
Community services and facilities such as senior programs, parks, open space and libraries
Neighborhood-serving retail in our mixed-use developments
“We know that housing alone is not enough,” said Cynthia A. Parker, President and CEO of BRIDGE. “This initiative integrates the facets of our work far beyond housing, so that more people and more neighborhoods have opportunities to thrive.”

Properties in Santa Clara County:

The Fountains

Mountain View

Bridge offers housing in Santa Clara, San Mateo, San Francisco, Marin, Contra Costa, Alameda, Santa Cruz counties, and more