December 6, 2023 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM

Parenting a little one with special needs is full of surprises. It’s overwhelming, exciting, scary, and oh-so busy – all at the same time. We hardly have time to think about what’s happening with our children tomorrow, let alone what may be happening with them as they transition into adulthood years from now.

But if we took just a little time to glimpse into the future, we’d see that preparation for our little one’s transition to adulthood could begin early by:

Learning/understanding our little one’s needs
– Helping our families navigate acceptance of our little one’s disability
– Having high expectations for our little one’s success
– Teaching self-advocacy skills to our little ones early and often

Please join us for a discussion about our children’s journey from cradle to career.

This is a Connections California event. Connections California is a project of Parents Helping Parents – Silicon Valley.
This event is also funded in part from the Department of Developmental Services (DDS).

#CCA, #knowyourrights, #Conozcasusderechos #getanearlystart #EarlyIntervention

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